Most people don’t think about dying until they are older and unfortunately that is also when they start looking at Life Insurance. If you’re employed, most companies offer a plan that will cover you and your families’ basic needs, only if you select it and it is usually inexpensive. If you are self employed or your job doesn’t have Life Insurance, or you need permanent Life Insurance to add to or replace a plan, we can help.

When someone comes up to me and says, “I need Life Insurance”, I say, “I agree, but what kind and how much”? Then I usually get a confused look and they say, “I don’t know”.  To answer that question, I must ask several questions that will begin a fact-finding mission that will help us to understand that besides burial, what other needs or obligations need to be met. In a Family, it could be a mortgage, college for the kids, automobile debt and to maintain the lifestyle of the surviving spouse and family. We believe that behind everyone’s budget and financial plan, there must be a review of Life Insurance needs to protect it. 

There are many other needs for Life insurance. In business, there is Key Person, first to die, or maybe to buy out a partner in the event her or she was to pass unexpectedly.  In Healthcare there are Life Policies that are hybrids (can be used in a multitude of ways) that offer early payouts for Long Term Care or Home Health. There are many types of Life Insurance and many ways it is used to provide protection of an asset.  Please feel free to call us to answer any questions you may have.

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